Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Clear, schmear - there is always something!

I guess I shouldn't talk about things being done and not having much to do until we actually hit the closing day and just have to sign papers until our fingers fall off. Information we were not made clear to us up until this point was that we need to take residence of the property within 60 days of the closing. Not that this is an awful thing, we can make it, but we were hoping to go at a more leisurely pace and live in our apt until close to April. So we need to make sure we can get the plumber to work ASAP after closing so we can spend long hours doing drywall before we have the carpeters come around. We probably could work long hours before the plumbing was done, but I don't think our bladders would thank us! Hopefully we are able to do shorter spurts of cleaning/prepping before the plumbing is fixed, like scrubbing down the mildew on surfaces and getting rid of the random garbage left behind. Heck, I'm so geared up about having our own house (and bugged by it's current dirty state) that I might do some cleaning the afternoon of the closing!

My current guesstimate at how things will go:
  • Plumbing repairs
  • Cleaning
  • Drywall work
  • Replacement patio door
  • New carpet/new moulding
  • New appliance delivery
  • Finishing touches before move in


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