We're behind schedule?
I don't know if you can be behind schedule when there isn't really a set schedule, but as of last night the carpet installer is coming on Monday, January 29th and we don't have a single wall primed in the rooms he'll be carpeting. We've made good progress with the patches, but aren't quite finished. I say we, but I mean Aaron and his buddy Matt, since my sinus cold turned into a sinus infection and I've been pretty much useless.
On Friday, Matt came up from Long Island to help us get the house prepped a bit more. He's got a bit of experience with drywall, so we were looking forward to his help. Aaron quickly dubbed Matt the "drywall whisperer" as he moved through the house tapping and scraping to find all the weak spots. First thing we found out is that, surprise, we needed to buy more stuff. Since I've got the only temporary Lowes card, I had to drag my sorry butt down with them for the trip. Matt drove down separately since it turns out, ironically, that his little Wrangler was better suited to hauling drywall than our Explorer:

The boys spent a good portion of Friday night and nearly all of Saturday working hard. Aaron bleached the rest of the walls and Matt scraped and patched and worked his magic. I came by with some well deserved grub for the boys, and they enjoyed a little time relaxing. We sure as hell wouldn't eat anything out of that grungy old fridge, but they saw no problem eating off of it:

Aaron and I are also learning a valuable lesson in homeownership - there is always something else that could be or should be fixed. The more time we spend in the house, the more we realize that the hardwood floor in the dining room and hallway should be replaced, the vinyl flooring (eww) is worse than we initially thought and should be replaced as well. For now we are just focusing on the things that must be done before the carpet goes in, but we'll be looking into flooring options for the other rooms in the not too distant future.
Well said.
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