Monday, April 23, 2007

Closing in on the zero hour...

We put in some good hours of work this weekend, but still have much to do. Our lease ends a week from today, so the time crunch is in full effect! Unfortunately I don't have pics of any of our great progress because our laptop croaked and that's what I used to upload pics from the digi cam. I will have belated pics, I hope, sometime later this week.. if not, it'll be a while before our computer/house is running at full capacity!

Friday night Aaron and I finished up the insulation and now only have to haul the old nasty stuff away. Aaron cut the hole for the new placement of the cold air return on the far wall of the dining room (instead of right under the kitchen counter!).

On Saturday Aaron's buddy from work, Shane, stopped by and helped out quite a bit! They plugged the hole from the old cold air return spot, which I caulked over thoroughly and jumped up and down to test it's sturdiness. Then they took some time figuring out how to cut and lay down the first section of laminate flooring in the dining room.

They didn't lay much floor down but the experience set Aaron and I up for a great amount of sucess on Sunday when we were able to lay nearly the entire dining/kitchen floor down in a short 4 hour visit.

The bathroom isn't done yet, but mostly because I got sucked into the flooring project which was a higher priority. 2 coats of primer are up, the ceiling is painted and wall area is taped off, so it's just a matter of putting on color and spiffing it up/cleaning it a bit.

With luck after tonight the floor will be complete, or the bathroom will be done. I hope for one or the other, but know enough by now not to count on both!


At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pictures! You guys are doing great!


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a picture of the jumping up and down test!



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