Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pretty progress

I'm working to put some of the finishing touches on bits and pieces of the house and overall I think things are looking pretty spiffy.

There is one part that I feel a little mixed about. When Aaron made fresh door frames for all the hall doors back in 2007, he used nice quality wood. He wanted to leave them as bare wood with white trim accents... I didn't like the idea. I put some off-white putty in the nail holes, intending to paint them in the near future. Fast forward 4+ years later, and they hadn't been painted and the white/wood combo had actually grown on me. But the putty was there and it wasn't coming out, so in order for things to look finished, I had to paint them white.

Here is the wood:

Here is the white:

A reminder that thinking you are right doesn't actually mean you are... I'm going to do my best to keep that in mind for our next house.

The other easy-to-see beautification I've done is putting up curtains for closet doors. It was kind of fun picking out classy gray drapes to match the newly lightened walls. The closet was already neat and presentable:

But the curtains add a nice touch:

Dash approves, as does Shady. They were playing a fun game hide 'n go seek a minute after I had them hung.


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