Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Getting very close!

Last night I arrived at the house past 8pm, Xena and I had Canine Good Citizen class at 7pm. Xena had a grand time checking things out and testing out the new laminate floor while I caught up with Aaron. The laminate floor was finished except for trickier parts so Aaron decided to head home w/the pup and I stuck around for an hour to bang out the first coat of paint in the bathroom. I mixed the "Stampede" from the livingroom with white to get a lighter tan and continue my quest to tie the colors of the house into one another. I think it looks pretty good, but there are some thin spots that will need touching up tonight.

Goals for tonight (we hope!): Finish flooring, finish bathroom paint, install new mailbox. If we have time, install upgrade fixtures and put toilet back together. If we really luck out on timing, I'll also scrub the bathroom so it'll be fully clean and useable!

I was able to get some photos uploaded, here's a quick look at the laminate flooring:

Dining Room



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