From home repairs to housewares
Long time no chat, my blogging buddies! Unfortunately I don't really have any news on the home repair front. The things we use in the house (hall bathroom, doors, kitchen appliances, etc) are all functional, so we've slowed to a stop when it comes to putting on the finishing touches. At this point I suspect the master bathroom will be a project for next spring since the weather is getting cooler and we'll want to ventilate when we start putting up joint compound and primer, and it may be that long until we find the motivation to paint the unfinished door frames.
In light of our recent nuptials, our focus has been more on housewares lately, in the form of kitchen items we've been wanting for quite a while. Between gifts and gift-funded purchases, we have finally upgraded from my all-black Wal-Mart service for 8 dinnerware set to a lovely set of Sango Blue dishes for 12. And many thanks to my generous California family (and my parents) for the brand new stainless steel pot and pan set, which will allow us to finally dispose of our sketchy and possibly unhealthy non-stick cookware. We've upgraded our silverware, serving ware, and cooking utensils to the ever-stylish and healthy stainless steel as well.
This past weekend my family in Maine threw us a lovely 'elated, belated' wedding party and with luck I will have some fun photos to share of our complicated family combinations! It's always a good time when a 12 yr old is chasing a 7 1/2 yr old and calling him Uncle Sam!