Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Well we are moved in...

That's really about all we can say is official or complete. We passed in the keys to the apartment and we officially live only at our little house in Brooktondale. Our appliances aren't fully installed, our walls and floors aren't entirely finished. We have a working toilet and a working shower but they are in two different bathrooms. So many things went wrong over this very long weekend (4 day for Aaron that was supposed to be a regular 2 day, 5 day for me that was supposed to be a 4 day) but nothing critical broke or exploded. We live there, the dogs and cat seem to like it, and we at least are enjoying the privacy and less-stress of having only one residence.

Photos will follow soon, I think, and more stories but for now, just know that we live there and we managed the move without killing each other or taking a sledgehammer to our new home for all the trouble it's caused.


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