Thursday, February 01, 2007

Curses, foiled again!

Earlier this month, Aaron found an ad on Craig's List for two slightly used 8' hydronic baseboards (full price for these is normally around $500 for both). Hydronic baseboards (for electric heat) are supposed to be more energy efficient because they have a liquid (water or oil, I'm not sure) sealed inside them. When the heat kicks on, the liquid gets warmed up and it stays warm after the heat turns off, resulting in needing to turn the heat on less often. Our two largest rooms already had the traditional 8' baseboard installed and we thought it'd be a great idea to switch them out for newer, more efficient units. Well, last night when Aaron attempted to install the first one in the livingroom, unhooking the old unit and all, when he discovered that the wires in our "new" baseboards were coming out of the opposite end as our old baseboards. Essentially, when you line it up properly against the wall, the connection is nearly 8' from where we need it. He is hoping to brainstorm with Matt over the weekend to make it work, and I'm certainly hoping we didn't waste our money!

In other news, today at 4pm we have our "2nd closing" - since the work we hired out to be done on the house has been completed, we have to go back to the office to sign papers locking us in to the much lower "normal" rate of our loan, instead of the prime +2 we had to pay during the "construction" phase. After this, I think we'll be avoiding lawyer's and mortgage offices for a while!

Also, my profound apologies for the recent lack of photos. I took photos of the paint in the 4 carpeted rooms, photos of the rooms post-carpeting and even got a couple shots of our boxer, Xena, enjoying her first visit to the interior of the house and initiating the carpet with some vigorous play-bowing and nub-chasing. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the camera home Monday night, and Aaron has forgotten to bring it from his visits since then. Don't despair, photos will be posted as soon as our memories improve!


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